Monthly Yoga-Moon Newsletter: February Eclipses & March Moon Happenings

Published: Sat, 02/11/17

              Monthly Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Hi !

Welcome to my Yoga-Moon Monthly Newsletter!

I’ll be sending these out one month in advance so that you can prepare for the following month. Because this is my first Newsletter, I will briefly discuss the current month/February Eclipses before moving on to March Moon Happenings. :)

The moon holds wisdom. The farmer’s almanac indicates, based on the moon cycles, the best time to plant, grow and harvest crops. We can use the moon phases in a similar way to help us manifest the goals and dreams that are important to us. Each phase of the moon lasts for Two Weeks.

Eclipses are super-charged (bigger and brighter) Full or New Moons and often bring in news or some sort of change; it may simply be a change in perspective or an AHA moment as certain life lessons gel. The Moon is connected to self-reflection, our past, and our needs.

The Full Moon, or Third Quarter Moon, is generally a time for completion or fruition (think flowers in bloom) and letting go of something in one sphere of your life (depending on where the full moon is transiting in your Natal Chart), so that you can make room for something new. Full Moon Eclipses can generally be felt a few weeks before and after their exact occurrence. The Eclipses we’re currently experiencing are connected to ones that began in 2015, so you may have a story concluding that has been playing out over the past couple of years.

The moon changes Astrological signs every 2.5 days. The sign of the moon indicates the emotional tone of that cycle and the type of experiences that may come up for you.

The Full Moon Eclipse on February10th landed in the proud and playful sign of Leo, coaxing us to boldly share our gifts in the world for the sake of the greater good. The Sun is in Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo, rules our big dreams. It also rules the ankles. There is always a small step you can take to re-align your stance. Leo rules the heart. This Full Moon asks: Is your direction in line with your heart?

The New Moon represents New Beginnings (the end of one cycle and the start of a new one). Makes me want to say, Yay! The Sun and Moon meet up during this Two-Week phase. The Sun is our drive, purpose and what we want.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse at the end of the month, on February 26th is in the sign of Pisces. Due to other challenging planetary combinations, this is may not be the best time to race ahead with projects. Instead, clean your mental/emotional slate so that you can process whatever is coming up for you. Pisces rules what we cannot see with our eyes: the intangible realms. It also rules the Lymphatic System. This is a perfect time to begin a regular meditation or yoga practice (or any kind of body work or energy work your drawn to). This New Moon asks: Are there toxic areas of your life that need to be addressed and cleaned?   

Moving on to March!

The Full Moon on March 12th is in the sign of Virgo, continuing the February theme of Self-Care.

The Virgo Full Moon brings focus to your day-to-day routines. Virgo rules details, discipline, daily work, health, and service. When the full moon resides in this practical and humble sign, your attention may naturally turn to your daily health and work habits. A helpful question to ask is whether you are nourished by your daily practices and by what you feed yourself each day (not just food but also your thoughts and experiences). If not, what are small (or big) shifts you can make in your routine to nourish and support yourself better?

Virgo rules the Abdomen and Small intestine. Bloating and stomach issues can occur when food isn’t being properly digested. Likewise, emotions and experiences that don’t get “digested” and integrated into your psyche can get “stuck” and create holding patterns in your life. This is reflected in your experiences, your reality. Are there places you feel stuck?

When I think of Virgo, I think of a ballerina … dedication, commitment to the details/ the day-to day work of a craft and a tendency toward perfectionism. I also think of my kitty-cat who will not step paw in a less than immaculate litter box (he must be part Virgo). Couldn’t resist. My point is that with all this focus on detail, Virgo can become rigid and anxious, too focused on what is “wrong.”

The antidote to this is Letting Go. How the heck do you that? I wrote a whole essay tackling this one:

The Moon Phases exist because of the Sun. During the Full Moon there is always an Opposition, or “pull” between the Sun and Moon (I think of the childhood game Tug-of-War). There is a call to balance the two seemingly conflicting energies. So while the moon embraces Virgo, the Sun is shining its light in the opposite sign of Pisces. Those with the sign Pisces prominent in their natal chart are often described as having their “head in the clouds” or being "space-y": this is because, as I discussed earlier, Pisces represents the bigger picture, the unseen realms of life and connection to the Divine.

The Full Moon is a magical time to practice Yoga. If you have a home Yoga Practice explore moving through your practice in a softer way, exerting less effort and really connecting to your breath. If you have a diffuser, diffuse Lavender or any other Essential Oil that’s used for relaxation. Take the time to do these small things for yourself; they add up to Self Care.

Whether or not you practice yoga, try this simple Breathing Practice:

Lie on your back on a blanket or Yoga Mat with your hands on your belly. Let your shoulders soften; let you whole body soften. As you inhale feel your belly rising under your hands and as you exhale feel your belly release back down. Do this for several slow and steady breaths; if possible, put a timer on for 5 minutes. When the 5 minutes is up, let your breath come back to its natural state and imagine your abdomen relaxed and soft. Listen. Feel. Can you feel your awareness expand as you move out of the analytical mind (Virgo’s domain) and into the expansive “higher mind” (Pisces)? Take this time for yourself.

The Virgo Full Moon is a time to cultivate balance between the structure that emotionally supports you and your ability to soften around the hard edges of that structure, to “Let Go” enough so that you can connect to the bigger picture of life – and continue to do your service in the world. The Virgo Full Moon reminds us to “give back”, to share our resources and gifts with others. This will set you up well for:

The Aries New Moon on Monday March 27.

The New moon is a time for New Beginnings. And this one comes just a week after the Spring Equinox. If may now be the time to plant seeds!

Aries, a fire sign, is all about initiative and bold action. When I think of Aries, I think “fearless” and proactive. Keep in mind when beginning anything new during this time that we have Retrograde Planets in the sky – Venus (Love, Beauty, Money) and Jupiter (Abundance, Growth, Opportunity). Additionally, Saturn (Rules, Longevity, Hard-Earned Success) is about to go Retrograde and is in his shadow period, so he is already changing gears/preparing to slow down. As my teacher Annie says, tread lightly when planets are in Retrograde; she calls it the “Tip-Toe Water Test,” meaning you don’t want to “plunge in” right now, especially in the realms of relationships and brand new career endeavors.

Rather than starting something brand new you may find yourself re-visiting a project or experience from the past that needs a different approach; the Aries sense of bold action could come from having the courage to change your perspective, to look at something in a different way that leads to a new start. Aries is goal-oriented and focused on the outer world. Aries wants to “go go go” and does not take kindly to being held back by slow-poke Retrograde Planets, however the planets are calling for some patience right now so that you can review and fine-tune; basically, make sure the water is clean and clear before plunging in (to stay with the water metaphor: I like that one).

Aries rules the Head and Face. Think about throwing yourself “head first” into something and you get the idea why. Because Aries can be a bit, ahem, “head-strong”, I suggest Inverted Yoga Poses: Forward Folds or Downward Facing Dog to give the head and brain a break. Headstand (as long as you don’t have contraindications) can be a great one – invigorating yet grounding/calming because the head is on the ground. Rabbit Pose (again, barring any contraindications) is a pose I don't often practice but really love for this grounding energy.

I like an invigorating yet calming Yoga Practice during the New Moon. Set an intention or, better yet, make a wish (or 10) at the beginning of your practice! Did you know that you get 10 New Moon Wishes? If the wishes are related to sign of Aries all the better!:
*If you want to read more about New Moon Wishes this is a great book:

Because Aries rules the head, Jaw Release exercises are also helpful. Whenever your head is supported your jaw gets to relax. Try Wide-Leg Forward Fold:

Stand with your legs wide apart, about a leg’s distance (you can measure by extending your arms out, in a T shape, and looking to see if your wrists and ankles line up). Line up your feet with one another. Inhale and extend your arms up overhead, lengthening through your spine. Exhale and hinge at your hips, keeping the length in your spine, as your fold forward. If your hamstrings feel tight and are causing you to round your back, try bending your knees and/or placing blocks (or books) under your hands.

Let your head relax and your neck lengthen. Notice if your shoulders are crowding your ears; gently slide them away from your ears so you can create space in your neck. Place a block or bolster (improvise if you don’t have yoga props) under your head. Experiment with the height of the block so that it is supporting your head comfortably (i.e., you are not stretching to reach it nor shortening your neck). Stay here and breathe for at least 10-20 breaths. Feel your feet on the ground. Notice where the weight is in your face; can you balance it? Feel into the back of your legs. Strengthen your leg muscles to support your body. Is your spine spacious? Is your breath able to move in and out easily? Notice what it feels like to have your head supported by the block. Notice your jaw: Imagine it softening.

If you're interested in a 1-hour (for $45) Astrology session OR a 1.5 Hour Ayurveda ($75) Assessment, please email me or sign up on my website.  
*If you don't see the paypal button under the Astrology Page, please click on my blog and it will be in the side-bar.

Lastly, If you are interested in an Introductory to Ayurveda Workshop, please email me and let me know!