Newsletter Hub Post

Published: Tue, 03/07/17

Monthly Yoga-Moon Newsletter: April Happenings
Some Native American tribes call the moon Grandmother Moon. I love this symbol of the wise moon, encouraging us to honor and align with the cycles of life. The farmer’s almanac indicates, based on the moon cycles, the best time to plant, grow and harvest crops. We can use the moon phases in a similar way to help us manifest the goals and dreams that are important to us. Each Phase of the Moon lasts for Two Weeks.

As I write this April newsletter (note: I write these one month in advance so you can prepare), we are in the first days of March, gearing up as planets make their way into proactive Aries.

Below is a brief summary of March Moon & Planetary Happenings:

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 12th may bring focus to your Health, Job and Daily Routines (and, possibly, your furry friends). The Full Moon is a time for completing or bringing to something to fruition, however with some challenging planetary angles in the sky (and Saturn, the task-master, in the mix) there may be delays or adjustments needed. Staying the course, being open-minded and seeing the humor in life and, most importantly, avoiding shortcuts/the easy way out (Saturn don’t play that) will help you through any challenges that may arise.

The New Moon in Aries on March 27th may inspire you to take action. Remember, as you negotiate life this month, that Venus has joined Jupiter in Retrograde motion; they are taking a snooze. Saturn and Mercury are preparing to slow down. This means that it’s wise to honor the inspiration for forward movement by re-visiting and re-working anything that you have already started; fine-tuning details and assessing how you would like to move forward. It’s a good time to strengthen any weak points in your life; as I often say in my Yoga Classes, strengthen the muscles that are weaker and soften in the places where you grip. The drive to renew projects, experiences and relationships from the past will most likely happen naturally. With Venus in Retrograde, Self-Love is a big theme. How do your nourish yourself? With so many planets moving into Aries at the end of the month, there may be a feeling of wanting to dive into something (like getting hitched) and, in this case, it is prudent to wait in order to make sure this is really the situation you want to be swimming in for the long haul.

Now, onto April!

On Tuesday April, 11th we will have a beautiful, bright Full Moon in the sky once again. For the next Two Weeks, the focus is on wrapping up projects and experiences that are ready for completion and/or bringing a sense of closure to any experiences that you are ready to release to the universe, in order to create space in your life for something new that is ready to come in. 

The Full Moon or Third Quarter Moon is, generally, a time for completion or fruition (think flowers in bloom) and letting go of something in one sphere of your life (depending on where the full moon is transiting in your Natal Chart), so that you can make room for something new. If you’re interested in where the Full Moon is in your Natal Chart, you can go to (one of my favorite astrology sites) and create a free account (you need your birth time, if possible, to create an accurate Natal Chart) and/or consider a 1-hour Astrology Reading (in person or over the Phone or Skype with yours truly). Please go to my website: to book an appointment here.

The moon changes Astrological Signs every 2.5 days. The Astrological Sign of the Moon indicates the emotional tone of that Cycle and the type of experiences that may come up for you. The April 11th Full Moon is in the Sign of Libra.

What is Libra all about?

Libra is the sign of Relationships and Partnerships (romantic, friendships, work, etc.). If you know where this Full Moon falls in your chart you will have a clearer idea of what type of relationships may be in focus for you (e.g., The Full Moon will be in my 11th house of communities/groups/networks/humanitarian efforts/the bigger picture, so this gives me an idea of the type of relationships that may be highlighted for me during this time). Libra is also about equality and diplomatic efforts, cultivating balance and harmony, entertainment and beauty/aesthetics. Each Sign has its blind spot and Libra’s is a tendency to people-please, losing sight of one’s own needs and truth. When the Moon illuminates Libra, it may be calling you to align with your needs rather than compromising your values to “keep the peace” or to “keep up appearances” so that you can connect more authentically with yourself and, therefore, others.

Whenever there is a Full Moon, the Sun is at the opposite point in the sky and in the opposite sign. This is why emotions can run high during the Full Moon (i.e., the competing energies of Sun & Moon). During this Full Moon, the Sun is shining its light on Aries, the opposite sign of Libra.

What is Aries all about?

Aries is about the Self and Willpower. Aries is the Warrior and this Sign is connected to the Third Chakra, Manipura, (meaning, Lustrous Gem or Jewel City); this is our Power Center. I am adding this tidbit because I have been teaching Yoga Classes this month based on the Chakras and we have just completed the Third Chakra. Check out my Class Schedule if interested; I’ll be adding New Classes in April in White Plains. 

People with Aries prominent in their Natal Chart can have a refreshing way of “saying it like it is” without concern of what others might think. Aries tends to be on a mission and doesn’t have time for the pleasantries and niceties that Libra folk are known for, yet they can undoubtedly benefit from learning to adopt some of these traits to soften their Aries Brashness.

In other words, there is a “Me versus We” polarity present in this April 11th Full Moon, asking if you are honoring yourself and using your willpower in a balanced and effective way in order to achieve what you want; and are those “wants” aligned with both your own needs and your ability to have fulfilling relationships.

Something else to note about this Libra Full Moon is that it pairs up with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and, generally speaking, opportunities and abundance. This Moon/Jupiter pairing can bring benevolence/good fortune/opportunities to relationships or, conversely, can expand any relationship issues you are facing (Since Venus rouses from her beauty rest on April 14th and will be in groggy mode for the rest of the month, there very well may be a theme of addressing relationship issues). On the other end of the sky, Uranus, the rebel and free spirit, is doing his thing (this is the planet of unpredictability, change and innovation) and will line up with the Sun (our drive; what we want) and tug on the Moon (our inner-most needs).

What does this mean?

There is a range of expression for each planet and sign (this also depends on where the sun and moon fall in your personal chart). Generally speaking, the theme is your desire for personal freedom and expressing your uniqueness in the world versus your need for relationships/connection and compromise. Since Uranus is in the mix this can play out in unexpected events or sudden decisions, especially if the pull between these polarities (of “me versus we”) gets too taught.

Oppositions (an astrology term that describes the relationships between planets that are on opposite ends of the sky) can feel challenging and cause tension (not necessarily but it’s a potential), however their greater purpose is to help you find a balance between the two energies at play (in this case, yourself and your relationships) to bring you into greater alignment with your truth and purpose.

The Full Moon is a magical time to practice yoga. You can use the practice to release tension, to surrender (surrender does not mean giving up; it means letting go of resistance/aligning with the present moment), and to bring in what you would like to receive in the next New Moon Cycle. If you have a home Yoga Practice explore moving through your practice in a softer way, exerting less effort and really connecting to your breath. If you have a diffuser, diffuse Lavender or any other Essential Oil that’s used for relaxation. Lately, I’ve been diffusing a blend of Lavender and Eucalyptus, a combination of calming and uplifting scents. Take the time to do these small things for yourself; they add up to Self Care.

Libra rules the Lower Back/Lumbar Spine, Kidneys and Adrenals. Lower back pain can be due to either tight or weak deep back muscles. Below are a few poses that I love to do when my lower back feels sensitive (of course if you are dealing with more serious back pain these might not be the right poses for you).

*Please Scroll to the bottom of the Letter to see Photos of some the Yoga Poses I list below.

Extended Right Angle Pose: Experiment with resting your forearm on your knee (palm facing up) or moving into the half or full “Bind” by wrapping your top arm around your back and gently moving your top shoulder back in space and then, possibly, threading your lower arm under your thigh, clasping your top hand with your bottom hand. The Bound Variation of this pose is a good stretch for my lower back. I also like to drape my top arm toward the floor, moving my chest toward the floor. For me, that is a deep stretch for my lower back (the side closer to the ceiling). Explore. Breathe. Make sure to do the pose on both sides. A Variation for the Bind: If you’re not able to come into the Bind without rounding in your upper back and cutting off your breath, try using a strap or belt: hold the strap with your bottom hand (in front of your thigh), looping it under your front leg. Wrap your top arm behind you back, clasping the strap. 

Extended Triangle Pose: Explore extending your top arm overheard for several breaths. I like placing my lower hand on a block. As I described above, try draping your top arm down toward the floor, like someone is pulling you down and forward (your chest will move toward the floor). This is one of my favorite poses for back tension. I also love Bound Extended Triangle. If you have the range of motion in your hamstrings and inner thighs, this is a great stretch for your lower back. It’s the same as Extended Right Angle but the front leg is straight (you can keep a slight bend in the front leg, too). Do both sides. 

Wide-Leg Forward Fold w/ Stretch & Twist: Walk hands forward, keeping hips aligned with ankles, so you come into what looks like a wide-legged Downward Facing Dog. If your hamstrings feel constricted and are causing your upper back to hunch, place blocks or books under hands (adjust the height as needed). Or, instead of folding all the way down and lowering your head toward the floor, lift your chest and lengthen your spine, so you are in a half-folded position (keep your neck long by gazing down at the floor). For the Twisted Variation, slide your hand or block under your face (assuming you are gazing straight down at the floor) and place your Right hand onto your low back, gently pulling your top shoulder back as you rotate your torso to the Right. If it doesn’t cause strain in your neck, extend your Right arm up toward the ceiling. Stay for 5-10 breaths and transition to the second side.

If weak back muscles are the cause of your lower back pain Strengthening Poses may be in order, such as Boat or Half-Boat Pose, Plank or Half-Plank, and Side-Plank or Supported Side-Plank. I love poses and exercises for the Core (Third Chakra) for Empowerment. I try to do at least 10 minutes of Core Work daily. If you’re wanting Abdominal Strengthening Exercises: Come into Plank Pose with a rag or towel or Frisbee (anything that slides) under your feet. Maintain a stable and strong plank position and begin to bend your legs, pulling your knees toward your chest and then slowly extending them away, back into Plank Pose. The slower you go the better it is for strengthening, and don’t forget to breathe! Do this for 5-10 reps (or more, depending on your body/what you need). It feels invigorating to do these in the morning before you start your day.  

The New Moon is on April 26th in the sign of Taurus. The New Moon represents New Beginnings (the end of one cycle and the start of a new one). The Sun and Moon meet up during this two-week phase. The Sun is our drive, purpose and will: what we want. The Moon represents our needs and feelings. When the Sun and the Moon are aligned in the sky our needs and our purpose may feel more aligned.

Taurus is the sign of stability, nature, beauty, independence, business, the five senses and the tangible world. When I think of Taurus I think of the Earth Mother or someone wrapping their arms around you in a warm embrace. I think of a person who exemplifies stability and who has a calm, grounding nature like a tree. :) Taurus can also be stubborn and when Taurus is imbalanced, overly attached to possessions/the material world and/or people. Those with Taurus prominent in their Natal Chart can have trouble letting go of attachments and can, at times, feel a sense of inertia or being stuck.

When the Moon and Sun join up in the sign of Taurus, you may feel inspired to build something of substance and, if you do, it may be long lasting. That said, Saturn is moving into its Retrograde motion on April 6th and Mercury will Retrograde for the second time this year on April 9th. Venus, as I mentioned above, will be moving out of her Retrograde cycle on April 15th (and into the Shadow Period, preparing to move forward at full speed again on May 18, 2017) and Jupiter is still fast asleep. With all of these planets in Retrograde, there may be unfinished business to tend to, restructuring or rebuilding in order to make something more viable, rather than a brand new project or situation. It is wise to consider the Retrograde Planets (generally speaking, a time for reviewing/re-doing/re-assessing/working on things that you’ve already begun) before jumping into anything new.

I enjoy a more invigorating Yoga Practice during the New Moon. Set an intention or, better yet, make a wish (or 10) at the beginning of your practice. Did you know that you get 10 New Moon Wishes? :) If the wishes are related to the sign of Taurus even better! An example of a Taurus New Moon Wish is: "I want to grow my business and bring in more clients so that I can do my work in the world," or "I want to make time in my schedule to spend in nature." If you want to learn more about New Moon Wishes, check out my Mentor, Annie Botticelli’s videoWishing was not something I considered before working with Annie and it has opened me up to a new perspective. Making Goals and taking Action Steps (something I am currently working with) to reach goals is, of course, essential if you want to accomplish anything; an equally essential piece of the process is surrendering/letting go of your wishes (what you want to create in the world), Trusting (for me, Trust is the key) that you are supported and that what is ready for manifestation will manifest. Wishing is more feminine in nature and connected to the Moon Energy while creating goals is more Masculine in nature and connected to the Sun Energy.

Taurus rules the Neck/Throat and Thyroid.

For tension in the neck or throat, try Supported Fish Pose to open up this area. This is another one of my favorite Poses (due to issues I’ve had with self-expression and feeling constricted in this area). Lying down on your back, slide your bent arms underneath you, propping up on your forearms. Lift your chest as you slide the crown of your head onto the mat.

For a feeling of hyper-mobility or weak neck muscles Plow Pose can give a feeling of containment in this area. If your feet don’t reach the floor behind your head try putting a few folded yoga/firm blankets or a chair behind you.

If you’re open to Chanting (AUM or any other mantra or chant that resonate with you at this time), it can be healing during this two-week Taurus Full Moon Phase to do so.

If you'd like a 1-Hour Astrology Reading (I'm still offering a discounted rate of $45 through March) please Book an Appointment Here 

Finally, I'm teaching an Ayurveda Spring Balancing Workshop in April - More information on that soon!