June 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Tue, 06/06/17


Here's what I've included in this months Yoga-Moon Newsletter:

  • June Moon and Planetary Happenings 
  • Ayurveda Practices for Wellbeing 
  • Current Offerings including Preschool Kids Yoga Class Series, Online Astrology Course for Parents, New Weekly Yoga class in White Plains, and Online Ayurveda Assessment/Health Plan tailored for your Dosha/Constitution.

Welcome to June, one of my favorite months of the year. :) I've decided to change things up a little and write each newsletter for the month we are currently in, rather than one month in advance.

If you remember from last month's newsletter, the Full Moon on June 9th is in the freedom loving sign of Sagittarius. The Full Moon is exact at 9:10 am EST. This is a time when we may feel more emotionally receptive and/or overtaken by emotions. Envision the way the ocean responds to the moon; at the full moon the tide is either very high or very low. Our emotions, which are connected to the water element, can move in the same type of ebb and flow. If you are feeling "pulled" by emotions during this time, Ayurveda and Yoga practices are incredibly helpful. I'll get back to that but first, a little more about Full Moon in "Sadge."

Sagittarius is an upbeat and open-hearted sign and, for this reason, those that embody these Sadgy traits tend to draw in opportunities and abundance as if by "luck." Those of us with Saturn prominent in our charts (he is my Ruling Planet so I know a thing or two about him) know well the other end of the spectrum; we, unwittingly, focus our attention on practical matters and what "could" happen if we don't properly prepare. Saturn is said to be fear based (at the lower end of the spectrum; we can always change this into something more useful) and Jupiter is the Pollyanna of the zodiac, however Jupiter "energy" can become ungrounded as we try to expand too rapidly without the tools to carry through the vision. So, why I am talking so much about Jupiter and Saturn? Because the June 9th Sadge Full Moon has a guest and he is Saturn. He is creeping closer to Sadge as the day goes on and will be making a conjunction with Jupiter later that evening, at 9:19 EST. 

Saturn represents, for instance, our awareness that it's time to go to bed at night so that the morning routine is not a nightmare - do you know the Seinfeld skit about night guy and day guy? Night guy throws a care to the wind and an exhausted day guy curses him the next morning. I find that skit so funny, probably because I have both Saturn and Jupiter making angles to my Sun (the Sun in the Natal Chart represents what we want), so these two planets in my chart are competing in a sense: Stay up, have fun, live life! Go to sleep, take care of yourself, feel good in the morning! We need Jupiter to think BIG and to take risks and we need Saturn to help us build and manifest our Jupiter dreams and visions. I see this conjunction of Saturn and the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 9th as support to bring something into fruition. The full moon is a time of blossoming, when you may be bringing something into manifestation or completion. Wth Saturn's influence, there can certainly be delays or obstacles (no one ever said it was easy is a good mantra for Saturn), however if you are able to use Saturn's tools of patience, integrity and perseverance you can bring your Jupiter dreams into the world. Sagittarius is all about the broader perspective and represents things like long distance travel, international affairs, cultures other than your own, higher learning, out-of-the-box learning (e.g., through travel and living in another country), teaching, writing, spiritual experiences and learning, exploration and adventure, partying and having a good time. During this approaching two-week Full Moon phase, a Sagittarius related endeavor or experience may be the focus for you. I almost forgot to mention! Jupiter will move from retrograde and into direct motion on June 9th, the same day as the Full Moon in Sagittarius (Jupiter rules Sagittarius), lending more support, perhaps, for bringing something to fruition and creating space for something new. 

As my 6-year old yoga student (and, apparently, young astronomer) reminded me the other day as we were discussing the sun and moon after our Sun Salutations, "we cannot see the New Moon in the night sky." He's right, the New moon is the "baby" of the cycle and it's the time for planting seeds. The June New Moon is on the 23rd at 10:31 pm in the Sign of Cancer. During this New Moon you may want to plant seeds that are related to home and family. Here's what I wrote in my last newsletter about this New Moon Phase: the sign of Cancer makes me think of long summer nights and may bring into focus home and family, and what makes you feel cared for and comforted. Since the Moon and Sun join forces during the New Moon Phase, it is typically a well aspected time for new beginnings. This could be as obvious as a move to a new home or setting into motion the plan to move to a new home, or something like beginning a Family History project, or as subtle as beginning therapy or self-work (inner home) that entails feeling into emotions, especially those that stem from childhood. This New Moon is conjunct (next to) Mercury, who will move into the sign of Cancer. This is a big shift for playful and quick-witted Mercury, who was previously very comfy in his own sign of Gemini. Mercury and Cancer don’t mesh as well as Mercury and Gemini because Mercury is mind-based and Cancer is feeling based. Mercury is lively and quick on his feet and Cancer is the crab: crabs shuffle and burrow into the sand and most move sideways. Finding a balance between quick and slow or round-about paces and thoughts versus feelings may come up during this period. Communication may be more intuitive and based on the past. There is also the possibility of a turning point connected to the sign of Virgo (health, routine, service) since the Vertex (the point of the chart that some Astrologer believe symbolizes a turning point or wish fulfillment) is making a sweet angle to the Moon and Sun.

Before continuing on, I want to let you know about my current offerings.

1. I have an upcoming Preschool Kids Class Series beginning on July 6th at Yogaworks in Irvington, NY -- Click on the link for details and to sign up. If you want to be on my Kids Yoga Newsletter, please Email me! 

2. Are you interested in learning about your Child's Natal Chart? I am teaching a 4-week Online course for Parents to learn about their children's Natal Charts. Dates are flexible, so if you are interested please email me re your availability. You can read more about the Course and sign up HERE

3. I am teaching a new weekly Yoga class at Yoga Garden/St. Barts Church in White Plains. For details and to sign up click HERE.

4. As always, if you are interested in learning about your Natal Chart and/or your current Planetary Transits, please book a Reading -- I currently offer both phone/skype and written Readings.

Ok, circling back to the daily Ayurveda practices for well-being that I mentioned earlier. Ayurveda is the "Wisdom of Life," and offers holistic methods for keeping ourselves in balance. These simple practices that I have come to rely on can be especially helpful during the Full Moon when emotions may be strong. If you are new to Ayurveda, the New Moon is a great time to begin a routine and set something into motion. See below.

Every morning:

1. Drink a glass of warm (not cold and not hot) with lemon - this helps to soften Ama (toxins) and is cleansing for the system. *If you need to stimulate Agni (the digestive fire/metabolism), add fresh ginger

2. Use a tongue cleaner before brushing your teeth and on an empty stomach (7-14 scrapes). The Ayurveda perspective holds that a tongue cleaner is essential as a toothbrush because it helps to reduce Ama (toxins) in the body by keeping the bacteria level in the mouth healthy and stimulates the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Meditate and/or Pranayama (you can make the time for at least 5 minutes! Shoot for 10 -15 minutes, if possible) *Pranayama is yogic breathing techniques for, for example, calming or stimulation (this can be tailored to your dosha and/or current state but in general in the Spring, Kapalabahti breath is great for stimulation. The benefits of meditation are many! A few I have noticed since I began meditating on a daily basis are greater mental focus and an ease of expression (i.e., easier time finding the "right" words), a feeling of contentment and more balanced emotions.

3. Oil Pulling. On any empty stomach, take a tablespoon of Sesame Oil - swish it all around your mouth (in front and in back of your teeth) for at least 5 minutes and up to 15. There are many benefits! A few are: healthy teeth and gums, improves respiratory health (helps with allergies and asthma), supports the body's process of releasing toxins.

4. Self Massage: I love this one as it especially beneficial for my prominent dosha, the Vata dosha. If you are a fellow Vata, you can do this after the shower like I do because your skin tends to be dry, but if you have oily skin this can be done before your shower. I use Sesame oil and this is the preferred oil for the Vata dosha (Sesame, Sunflower or Coconut oils can be used for Pitta and dry brushing may be more appropriate for Kapha). I add a few drops of essential oils, which is optional (lately I use Lavender and Eucalyptus). Massage the oil on your body, using long strokes on limbs and circular strokes on joints and broad circular strokes on belly (clockwise) and chest. Lots of benefits ... improves sleep, promotes healthy skin, stimulates circulation, to name a few. This takes me 5 minutes in the morning and truly makes me feel better.

5. Sun Salutations and Moon Salutations. Take 5-15 minutes to practice your morning Sun Salutations. Switch it up to Moon Salutations during the Full Moon Phase or any time your in the mood for a softer morning yoga routine.

These practices do, obviously, take extra time in the morning and you can only do what you can do but I have found that it is well worth it because it is the small things we do for ourselves that add up to the bigger picture of our health and well-being. Consistency is key (if you do 3 of the steps that's fine; it's more important to be consistent with the steps you choose to do). If you are new to these practices, consider beginning your Ayurvedic Routine at the New Moon on June 23rd. :) 

I am now offering an Online Ayurveda Assessment that includes assessing your natural dosha(s), any current imbalances and a wellness plan that is tailored for your specific doshic needs. Please check out the link if interested and/or email me with questions. :)

Sending you good full moon vibes!