July 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Sun, 07/02/17

Hi !

Here's what I've included in this month's Yoga-Moon Newsletter:

  • July Moon and Planetary Happenings 
  • Current Offerings: Preschool Kids Yoga Class Series, Weekly Open-Level Yoga class in White Plains, Online Ayurveda Assessment/Health Plan 
Happy July! At month's opening we have three personal planets in the Watery/Emotional Sign of Cancer, pointing to themes of home, family, and slowing down the pace of life. The Lunar and Solar Eclipses are approaching in August and can be felt up to six weeks beforehand, so you may already be feeling their waves in the form of heightened emotions and/or events. Eclipses tend to bring something to a close in one area of your life thus opening space for something new in another part of your life. This can be subtle or significant, depending on what's happening in your life and whether the eclipses are making connections with your natal planets.

On July 4th, Venus, the planet that rules relationships, environment, love/self-love, and money/income, is changing signs from earthy/sensual Taurus to quick-witted/light-hearted Gemini and will be there for the next six weeks. Gemini is an Air sign, so the pace of life picks up a bit and there is more of a 'buzz' around relationships/friendships and socializing. You may attend gatherings with friends, have more text messages coming in and, in general, be on the move: Gemini doesn't like to sit still for too long. :) 

On July 5th, Mercury, the planet of communications/short-distance travel/one's neighborhood, is moving from Cancer into Leo and will be there for the next three weeks. This is a more harmonious placement for Mercury, since Air and Fire blend better than Air and Water. Mercury is lively and Leo enjoys being in the spotlight, so you may feel more expressive and able to communicate your thoughts in a more direct and engaging manner. Perhaps, you will be inspired to spend time in your neighborhood or local area -- you might be surprised by how much fun you have!

Before continuing, I want to let you know about my current offerings and classes.

1. I have an upcoming Preschool Kids Class Series beginning on July 6th at Yogaworks in Irvington, NY -- Click on the link for details and to sign up. If you want to be on my Kids Yoga Newsletter, please Email me! 

2. I'm teaching a weekly Yoga class at Yoga Garden/St. Barts Church in White Plains. For details and to sign up click HERE. 

3. I'm now offering Online Ayurveda Assessments/Counseling. We'll work together for one month. Please click HERE to learn more and sign up.

4. Check out my New Blog Posts on Ayurveda Practices to stay in balance and the planet Chiron in your Natal Chart. 

The Full Moon on Sunday, July 9th is exact at 12:07 am EST in structure-loving Capricorn. The Moon and Capricorn don't traditionally blend that well, however this sign has an ability to weed out what is superfluous in order to hone in on the task at hand and, perhaps, bring something to completion. Use the Full Moon energy to bring to fruition what you began on the last New Moon and/or simply to create (dance, paint/draw, write poetry, practice yoga). With Sun-Neptune and Sun-Jupiter aspects in the picture, this Cappy Full Moon may be a welcome dose of reality in order to ground the exuberant (and sometimes, ahem, indulgent) desires of Jupiter, as well as the idealistic dreams that Neptune can create. At the Full Moon, the Sun is always opposite the Moon. The opposite sign of Capricorn is Cancer, so during this Full Moon Period you may feel torn between emotions/family/home AND career/social standing/structure/practical matters (basically, your private and public selves). There is always a balance to strike during the Full Moon period. I have observed that during the Capricorn Moon I tend to face feelings of rejection within myself; if this happens to you, it can be a sign that you need to honor yourself with your myriad traits and qualities and be willing to freely express yourself without the fear of how others will perceive you. There is a real pull to find the balance between where you are coming from (your roots) and where you are going (your life direction), so that you can feel at home both within yourself and within the world. Pluto, the planet of transformation, will be conjunct (next to) this Full Moon, adding in a layer of intensity and purpose. You may need to let something go at this time, which can be both challenging and healing. For the next two weeks, the theme is clearing out any excess in your life that is causing blockages (both physically, in your home/personal space, and emotionally). 
The New Moon on Sunday, July 23rd is exact at 5:46 am in the Sign of Leo. This is the beginning of a new Lunar Cycle. Use the energy of the New Moon to plant seeds, whether these are tangible seeds or thoughts/intentions/goals/wishes. As I've noted in past newsletters, at the New Moon it's fun to experiment with making wishes (you get 10!) that are related to the Sign the moon is in. If you want to read more about New Moon Wishes, check out Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology.

Woweee, all the personal planets, with the exception of Venus, are now in the sign of the lion - Prideful, Loving and Fiery Leo. This is a great time to focus on what you want to create in this new cycle and any creative gifts you have to share with the world. With so much Fire energy, it is wise to double-check your work and intentions to make sure that your ego isn't taking over the show. This New Moon is conjunct Mars, so the need to take action may be felt strongly. Mars is the planet of action and war. I find that wherever Mars is in my Transit Chart, I have extra oomph and zest in this area of life to get things done; this fiery energy does need to be tempered with care and patience as Mars can be super impulsive. To add one more layer to this New Moon, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and freedom, is making an aspect to Mars, meaning that there is the chance of unexpected change or actions. In conclusion, the overall theme of this New Moon is, I would say, to go for what you want but to do so with awareness (of both yourself and others). That's all for now. :)


If you'd like to book an Astrology Reading with me you can do so HERE.