August 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Thu, 08/03/17

NicoleAthena Yoga-Moon Newsletter
​​​​​​​August 2017
Summer Eclipses!
Hi !

Here's what I've included in this month's Newsletter:
  • August Astrology Eclipses and Planetary Happenings
  • Ayurveda Online Assessments & Free Intro. to Ayurveda Talks
  • Astrology Chart Readings (Written or Verbal)
August is Eclipse month! The Full Moon in Aquarius is on August 7th. This is a Lunar Eclipse, which is said to be three times more powerful than a normal full moon and can be felt in the days, weeks and, even, months surrounding the actual date. Full Moons represent something coming to completion or manifestation, like a flower blossoming, and Eclipses tend to shake things up and push our boundaries so that we move in a direction of positive growth. Of course, most people don't exactly welcome growing pains and these particular ones may involve strong emotions, drama, excitement, etc. When I think of the 'energy' of a Full Moon, an image comes to mind of my friend who had a breakthrough in a significant area of her life. As she described it, she was on a ferry boat with a man she was friends with and had just realized she was in love with. She began crying, unabashedly (happy tears), and simultaneously laughing at herself; she couldn't fully process yet what she was feeling to verbalize it and all her emotions were coming to the surface. I imagine, based on what I know of that time in her life, she was feeling excitement, overwhelm, and freedom all at the same time. The Full Moon, and especially a Lunar Eclipse, can bring something significant to light and big emotions to the surface. 

Full Moons can bring up some anxiety because most people don't love the idea of change. This is where yoga/breath-work/meditation/etc. comes in. When things feel chaotic or confusing (and I'm not saying they will for you but if they do) most of us forget about the tools we have that keep us feeling grounded. Do your best to stay connected to your practice (whether that is yoga or something else) and be consistent with your Self-Care Routine (more on Self-care Practices at the bottom of the page).

The Lunar Eclipse is on the Aquarius/Leo axis, meaning that the Sun is residing in the opposite sign of Leo during the Full Moon. During the New Moon Solar Eclipse (which I'll get to in a few paragraphs), the Sun and Moon are both in Leo. Aquarius represents the big picture, the collective realms, society, communities, organizations and groups, and humanitarian efforts while Leo is all about the individual, creative expression, play, children, love, fun and being seen or recognized for your gifts and talents.

If you recall from past Newsletters, during the Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are at odds with another and seeking to find balance, so you may find that you need to create more balance between the polarities of the group mentality (what is good for the group) and your individual desires (what do you really want). It may be a time to stand in your truth or stand up for what you believe in and to cultivate more balance between your own needs and desires and those of the groups and communities you are a part of.
Do you feel that you fit in with the groups of people you spend time with? I have a tank top that with the words "Good Vibe Tribe" on it and it makes me smile because it reminds me of the friends I've made through my yoga community. There could be something from the past that comes up and needs completion in order to move you forward on your North Node path of growth and purpose, and to get you more aligned with your 'good vibe tribe.' The Sun, Mars and the North Node of the Moon are all traveling through the sky together in the sign of Leo, so there's a lot of emphasis now on your heart's desires, children (your own or children in your life or, perhaps, becoming pregnant), sharing and expressing your creative gifts and allowing yourself to be seen and shine. Depending on where the eclipses fall in your Natal and Solar Charts, you will be feeling this energy more strongly in specific areas of life (scroll down to the bottom of the page if you're interested in an Astrology Reading). 
Another significant Astro-event of the month is that Mercury goes retrograde on August 12th and is currently in the Shadow (or slow down) period. Mercury goes retrograde four times/year and is definitely nothing to fear; if anything, you can welcome this time because it's usually an opening to slow down the pace of life. For more information on on Mercury Retrograde and the deeper meaning of Retrograde planets, check out my blog post (from April of this year). For most of us, Mercury Rx means that August is a time to unwind and rewind, going over things that you have already begun and would like to wrap up rather than beginning new projects. It's usually the perfect time for organizing and clearing out, gathering information, reassessing and reviewing things that are already in the works, and for indulging in the 'being' (non-doing) side of life (think long walks or beach days). There are times when the planetary configurations in your own Chart supersede Mercury retrograde and it is actually well-aspected for you to move forward with something but, generally speaking, you will probably feel it's the right time to take a break from the forward motion of life and use this time as an opportunity for some space and fresh air.
Lastly, but definitely not least, we have a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse at the end of the month, on August 21st, in the sign of Leo. It is said that Solar Eclipses can be felt 3-6 months beforehand and up to a year after they occur. Just as the Lunar Eclipse tends to close, complete or bring something to fruition, the Solar Eclipse tends to create an opening or opportunity to bring in something new. Often, we need to complete something in one area of life in order to make space for the new thing to come in. Since Mercury is retrograde it's best, if possible, to avoid signing on the dotted line until mid or late September when you will likely see the whole picture of a situation more clearly (there can be exceptions to this as I mentioned above).

What do you want to create now? There is a big push to be creative (remember that creativity has endless forms, from body movement to writing to playing and spending time with children), to shine in some way and share your unique gifts and talents for the benefit of the greater good. These can, of course, be gifts that other people have as well: your expression of your 'gift' will be unique to you and different from someone else's expression of it. I think it's common to hold back on creating something in the world because someone has already done it. It doesn't matter! The world needs you to share what is in your heart. Whatever you are wanting to begin now may come about in unexpected and fortuitous ways with Uranus, planet of surprises, in the picture. Set your goals and intentions, do the work and 'let go' so that the universe can do its part. The result may be different than you envisioned it: Mercury retrograde in the sign of Virgo asks you to release your attachments to perfection, to live life more fully and presently and to connect to your heart. Whooo! 
The energies of the Eclipses can feel intense; set the intention to take good care of yourself this month. If you're interested in daily Ayurveda/Wellness practices for self-care, check out my latest blog post. And if you'd like to learn more about my online Ayurveda Counseling program click on the green link below.

*Also, I have started giving Free "Intro. to Ayurveda" Talks at local libraries; if you are interested in attending one and/or know of a venue that might want to host me please send me an email.  
You will likely feel the energy of the Eclipses in certain areas of your life depending on where they land in your Natal Chart. If you are interested in an Astrology Reading, click on the purple link below to learn more and to sign up for a Reading. Feel free to email me with questions.