September 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Sat, 09/02/17

NicoleAthena Yoga-Moon Newsletter​​​​​​​ September 2017
September Balancing & Change
Hi !

Here's what I've included in this month's Newsletter:
  • Ayurveda Balancing for September/Fall
  • Free Intro. to Ayurveda Talk at Irvington Library this Thursday, Sept. 7th
  • September Astrology/Planetary Happenings
In the month of September, we shift into Vata season. Ayurveda, a holistic system for wellness and healing, translates to the Wisdom of Life, meaning that what is outside of us is also within us. According to Ayurveda, there are three Doshas or Constitutions. They are Vata (made up of air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water).

During Fall-time in NY, the elements of the Vata dosha dominate. Here in Westchester County, NY the temperatures have shifted significantly and the Vata qualities are in the air. Some of the qualities of Vata are: cool, light, dry, mobile, subtle, erratic, changeable. As we transition from summer to autumn, and to cooler and dryer weather, "change is in the air." Vata dominant people can feel a bit (or very) uprooted/ungrounded at this time (depending on what is going on for you) and, even, anxious. For others, with Pitta and/or Kapha dominant constitutions, the change of weather may be welcome and refreshing.   

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, like increases like and opposites create balance. For example, if you have a predominance of Vata in your constitution you will be more likely to feel thrown off balance now and, therefore, it is wise to focus on bringing into your daily life the opposing qualities of Vata, such as steadiness, a slower pace, routines, structure, warmth and moisture. You can do this through food choices (warm and wholesome foods, such as stews and grains with cooked veggies; less salad and raw/cold food) and daily yoga, exercise and breathing practices (nothing too intense - slow and steady wins the race right now). For those who are feeling off balance, it's important to bring more structure into your daily routine.

If you are Kapha (earth and water) or Pitta (fire and water) dominant, you may feel more balanced during the Fall season and enjoy the lively feel of change. Pitta people run hot by nature, so the cooler temperatures are balancing for them. Pitta likes, similarly to Vata, to be "on the go" and so a steady, slower-paced routine, as we transition into Fall, is balancing for both Pitta and Vata. Kapha dominant people are steady/grounded and slower moving by nature, and when they are out of balance, they feel lethargic, so the Fall season may feel invigorating for Kapha folks, putting some pep in their step. 

The way you handle the change of season depends on your natural constitution(s) and/or any imbalances you are currently experiencing; in general, it is beneficial for everyone to slow down a bit in order to take stock and reflect on what you would like to create and shift going forward. 

If you would like to learn more, I am giving a free Intro to Ayurveda Talk at the Irvington Library on Thursday, Sept 7th at 2 pm. Click here to register.

If you're interested in learning more about your constitution(s), please click below to learn about my Ayurveda Assessments.
Last month, we had two powerful eclipses in the sky. The New Moon Solar Eclipse, on August 21st, in the sign of Leo, was spectacular (if you were able to view it). I didn't have the special sunglasses, but was in the right place at the right time and was able to borrow them from a neighbor. I couldn't stop smiling. It was inspiring. One of my neighbor's also had a colander and when we held it above the ground, the light of the moon-covered sun pouring through the holes of the colander created little crescent moon shadows. It was a reminder of the magic in the simple moments of life and the wonder of the universe. 

This is a time of change and new beginnings for many people. You may feel on the verge of change and are not sure yet how this will play out, or, alternatively, you do know what is changing in your life and you're waiting to begin the new endeavor. This coincides with the Ayurveda theme of Fall balancing; people may be feeling "change in the air" more intensely this Fall season due to the eclipses and so, if this is the case, it's especially important to nourish yourself by eating wholesome, fresh, and grounding foods (you will probably feel this shift naturally) and by creating structure and routines for yourself so you feel supported. 
On September 5th, Mercury is going direct (out of Retrograde motion) but will remain in the Shadow (slow-down) phase until September 19th. Mercury retrograde is simply a time to slow down and re-boot in order to gear up for the next cycle, and it is definitely nothing to fear. I usually welcome it these days because I know I will probably catch up on paperwork or re-visit a project I had put on hold. When Mercury is out of the Shadow phase, the 'energy' of the planet is said to be working at full capacity again, meaning that it could be a time to move forward with projects related to communication, learning/information, teaching, writing, commerce, transportation/local travel, one's neighborhood and siblings/extended family. Remember, also, that where Mercury falls in your Natal/Transit Chart will give you more specific information on what area of life may be in focus for you. If change is imminent and you must make a significant decision during Mercury Retro, then that is the way it is meant to be: it may be that the time is right for you personally (i.e., your personal chart may have aspects supporting a change that supersedes Mercury rx) or, alternatively, you make a change that is shorter-term but suits you for the time-being, or it may be that you circle back to whatever you are starting now to tweak or make shifts during the next Mercury Retrograde phase (many possibilities!). It also said that if you make a big decision or begin something new during Mercury retrograde, there can be a missing piece of the puzzle that is apparent once it goes direct, which, again, may mean you need to shift things but not necessarily in a negative way, e.g., a job becomes something more than you expected due to your boss changing roles and giving you more responsibility, or something of that sort. These things can play out in so many ways. If, however, you are being called to make a decision that you can hold off on and you know, deep down, is not right for you or, perhaps, you want it to be right but something is telling you to hold off, well then, of course, it is wise to listen to that voice. The planets are simply archetypes that can help to guide us. As I sometimes say when I teach yoga, I am guiding you through the practice as you also listen to your body (it is a collaboration).

Lastly, the personal planets are making their way into the sign of Virgo this month and the New Moon, on Sept. 20th, is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is about health, service, daily routines and work. When I think of Virgo, I think of the nitty-gritty/every day work that keeps things flowing. This theme also compliments, perfectly, the Ayurveda balancing practices I wrote about above. As we move into Fall, and the signs change from Leo to Virgo, it's time to shift away from play mode (for now) and set up structures for ourselves, once again, so that we can feel supported and well.

The Full Moon blooms in Pisces on September 6th, setting up the seesaw balancing themes of idealism/beauty and, perhaps, escapism and the practical matters of life, such as work. There may be something that is ready for completion this month that will enable you to embrace your reality from a wider perspective and begin, on the New Moon, to build something that balances your vision with what is real. Pisces energy can be hauntingly beautiful but without the realism of Virgo it is simply a fantasy. We need the Virgo side of things to keep us grounded and on track.
Set the intention to take good care of yourself this month. If you're interested in daily Ayurveda/Wellness practices for self-care, check out my blog post.
If you are interested in an Astrology Reading, click on the link below to learn more and to sign up for a Reading. Feel free to email me with questions.