Yoga-Moon Newsletter May 2017

Published: Tue, 04/11/17

Yoga-Moon Newsletter May 2017

As I write this May Newsletter (note: I write these one month in advance so you can prepare), you may be feeling the April 11th Full Moon In Libra. The Sun is in Aries spurring forward movement, yet at the same time the Retrograde planets want us to look before we leap, and to tie up any loose ends in preparation for potential new beginnings when the planets go direct (in May!).

Below is a summary of April Moon & Planetary Happenings:

The April 11th Full Moon is in the Sign of Libra

Libra is the sign of Relationships and Partnerships (romantic, friendships, work, etc.). If you know where this Full Moon falls in your chart you will have a clearer idea of what type of relationships may be in focus for you (e.g., The Full Moon will be in my 11th house of communities/groups/networks/humanitarian efforts/the bigger picture, so this gives me an idea of the type of relationships that may be highlighted for me during this time). Libra is also about equality and diplomatic efforts, cultivating balance and harmony, entertainment and beauty/aesthetics. Each Sign has its blind spot and Libra’s is a tendency to people-please, losing sight of one’s own needs and truth. When the Moon illuminates Libra, it may be calling you to align with your needs rather than compromising your values to “keep the peace” or to “keep up appearances” so that you can connect more authentically with yourself and, therefore, others.

The New Moon is on April 26th in the sign of Taurus. The New Moon represents New Beginnings (the end of one cycle and the start of a new one). The Sun and Moon meet up during this two-week phase. The Sun is our drive, purpose and will: what we want. The Moon represents our needs and feelings. When the Sun and the Moon are aligned in the sky our needs and our purpose may feel more aligned.

Taurus is the sign of stability, nature, beauty, independence, business, the five senses and the tangible world. When I think of Taurus I think of the Earth Mother. I think of a person who exemplifies stability and who has a calm, grounding nature like a tree. :) When the Moon and Sun join up in the sign of Taurus, you may feel inspired to build something of substance and, if you do, it may be long lasting. That said, with all of the current retrograde planets, there may be unfinished business to tend to, restructuring or rebuilding in order to make something more viable, rather than a brand new project or situation. It is wise to consider the Retrograde Planets (generally speaking, a time for reviewing/re-doing/re-assessing/fine-tuning/working on things that you’ve already begun) before jumping into anything new. It's a great time to play catch-up or to dive deeper into subjects or projects that have been waiting on the sidelines (inner work/self work is especially favored and effective at this time).

Before moving onto May, I have New Offerings: Written Astrology Chart Readings and 2 upcoming Workshops/Class Series you may be interested in: Ayurveda Spring Balancing Workshop on Saturday, April 29th and A Kids Yoga Series, beginning on Tuesday, April 18th and going for 8 weeks. Details for both on my website. :)

Note: In the Ayurveda Spring Balancing Workshop, I will be discussing a simple 3-day Ayurveda Cleanse (for all doshas/body types), so if you are feeling the need for a reboot please sign up! 

If you'd like to book an in-person Astrology Reading or an Ayurveda Assessment, you can do so on my website.

Finally, have you checked out my latest blog post on the Moon Signs and Houses? If you know your moon sign and/or house, you can scroll to the appropriate sections of the blog to read more about your Natal Moon (If you don't know your moon sign and/or house and want to find out, I have instructions on how to do so in the blog post).

On to May

On Wednesday May, 10th, at approximately 5:40 pm EST, we will have a luminous Full Moon in the sky once again. For the next Two Weeks, the focus is on wrapping up projects/experiences/situations/habits that are ready for completion and release in order to create space in your life for something new that is ready to come in. 

The Full Moon or Third Quarter Moon is, generally, a time for completion or fruition (think flowers in bloom) and letting go of something in one sphere of your life, so that you can make room for something new.

The moon changes Astrological Signs every 2.5 days. The Astrological Sign of the Moon indicates the emotional tone of that Cycle and the type of experiences that may come up for you. The May 10th Full Moon is in the Sign of Scorpio.

What is Scorpio all about?

Scorpio represents deep transformation, death and rebirth, the mysteries of life, taboo or avoided subjects (e.g., sex, death, and taxes), joint resources and money that comes from other people/entities. The symbol often used to describe Scorpio is the phoenix rising from the ashes; this is because when a person transcends deep-rooted fears and wounds and 'rises' again, it is from a deep internal strength that nothing can diminish. 

With the Full Moon in Scorpio, there is intensity surrounding emotions, desires and needs. Attachments can be very deep and strong. For this reason, the practice of releasing (e.g., emotional baggage, habits, situations, etc. that aren't working for you) is highlighted during this Full Moon Phase. Pluto, Scorpio's Ruling Planet, is making a harmonious angle (a Sextile) to the Scorpio Full Moon, emphasizing this theme of  release and transformation (this can be on a smaller level, like changes in your habits, to bigger scale decisions). You will have more insight into the sphere of life that you are working with by looking at your Natal Chart to see which House the Full Moon falls in. 

Whenever there is a Full Moon, the Sun is at the opposite point in the sky and in the opposite sign. This is why emotions can run high during the Full Moon (i.e., the competing energies of Sun & Moon). During this Full Moon, the Sun is shining its light on Taurus, the opposite sign of Scorpio.

What is Taurus all about? 

Scroll to the top of the email to read about TaurusPluto, Scorpio's Ruling Planet, is making a friendly connection to the Sun (a Trine), which can give you strength to make any changes that feel necessary. 

Taurus is about independence, self-sufficiency and business while Scorpio is about merging with others and sharing resources and is focused on the unseen realms of life. There are, therefore, Me versus We and Tangible versus Intangible energies at play to bring into balance during this Full Moon phase. Are you tending to your deeper needs and relationship needs while honoring whatever it is you would like to create in the outer world? ​​​​​​​

The Full Moon is a magical time to practice yoga. You can use the practice to release tension, to surrender (i.e., letting go of resistance/aligning with the present moment) and to bring in what you would like to receive in the next New Moon Cycle. If you have a home Yoga Practice explore moving through your practice in a softer way, exerting less effort and really connecting to your breath. 

Scorpio rules the Sacral Center, Reproductive Organs, and Intestines. It is a water sign thus connected to fluidity and containing emotions. During this Full Moon in Scorpio Phase check in with yourself to see what you need in order to find balance. Yoga Poses such as, Cat/Cow, Bridge Pose, and Reclined Bound Angle are great choices, depending, of course, on what is going on in your body and what you need. I also love a flowing variation of Bridge Pose, in which you extend your arms behind you as you lift your pelvis/back-body up and slowly lower it back down as your arms return along side your body. 
On May 25th, at approximately 3:40 PM, The New Moon/SuperMoon is in the Sign of Gemini. A Supermoon is a bigger and brighter and, therefore, more energized New Moon.

The New Moon represents New Beginnings (the end of one cycle and the start of a new one). The Sun and Moon meet up during this two-week phase. The Sun is our drive, purpose and will: what we want. The Moon represents our needs and feelings. When the Sun and the Moon are aligned in the sky our needs and our purpose may feel more aligned. 

The combination of a Super New Moon :) with the lively Sign of Gemini can be a strong inspiration for movement and communication. With Gemini's signature image of the Twins, you may have two new projects you're working with instead of one.

What is Gemini all about?

Gemini is the sign of Communication, Writing, Learning (anything that challenges the mind), Movement, Short-distance travel, Spending time in one's neighborhood (gym, bookstore, local restaurants) and Siblings/Relatives. When the Moon is in Gemini, people may feel more playful. 

This New Moon is moving toward a favorable connection (a Trine) with generous and free-spirited Jupiter, so it can be a good time for something new and fresh that makes you feel free in some way. Another thing to note about May is that this is the first month in 2017 when we have no Retrograde planets! Mercury goes direct on May. 3rd and will be moving out of the Shadow Period and back into full gear on May 21stVenus goes direct on April 15th and will be out of her Shadow Period on May 19th. The Shadow Period is a time when the planets are regaining their full speed and strength, so the end of the month will likely bode better for any new projects or adventures you're planning for. There is potential for obstacles/delays toward the end of the month, so if things don't seem to be going in the direction you anticipated, do your best to surrender to the flow of life, knowing that the time for whatever you are wanting to move forward with will open when it's right. 

I like a more invigorating Yoga Practice during the New Moon. Set an intention or, better yet, make a wish (or 10) at the beginning of your practice. Did you know that you get 10 New Moon Wishes? :) If the wishes are related to the sign of Gemini even better! If you want to learn more about New Moon Wishes, check out Annie Botticelli’s video
Gemini rules the Arms, Forearms, Hands, and Respiratory system. Poses/stretches you can during this New Moon are: Hand/Wrist circles, stepping on your palms with your feet in a Forward Fold, and Cat/Cow with hands/fingers turned toward the sides of the mat or toward you, if possible. Plank and Forearm Plank are great for strengthening the arms and feeling a strong communication with your body. 
If you would like to learn more about your Astrology Natal Chart and/or Transit Chart (meaning, where the planets in they sky fall in your specific Natal Chart), please book a Reading with me and/or read more about how astrology can assist you on my website.