June 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Thu, 05/11/17

Hi !

Here’s what I’ve included in this month’s Yoga-Moon Newsletter:
  • Synopsis of Moon/Planetary Happenings for this month/May 2017 (please see last month’s Newsletter for more on May)
  • Launch of my new Online Astrology Course for Parents to learn about their Children’s Natal Charts. (This class will be limited to 4 participants, so if you’re interested please email me or sign up ASAP. 
  • June Moon/Planetary Happenings
The Moon was Full in the sign of Scorpio was on May 10th. For the next two weeks the focus is on feeling into desires and fears and reflecting on what motivates us and what we truly want and need to feel emotionally balanced and productive. What do you need to feel supported? What is no longer right for you and ready for the recycling bin? Around the Full Moon I began, spontaneously, the process of going through clothing and other items I am ready to give away. I had forgotten, to be honest, it was the Full Moon in Scorpio; I mention this because I love the way these message of the moon and the planets often come naturally to us, especially when we are in sync with ourselves and the natural world. 

On May 25th, we have a New Moon in sky, in the quick-witted sign of Gemini, inspiring movement and play and, perhaps, writing projects. A correction to last month's newsletter: May is the first month this year that we have no Personal Planets (i.e., Mercury, Venus, Mars) retrograde. And by the end of the month Mercury is moving out the shadow period and into full action, which means that the Gemini New Moon will have it's full energy (Mercury rules Gemini). Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion, will be making a harmonious angle to this new moon, which may also bode well for new projects and opportunities, however keep in mind that Jupiter is still retrograde so there is the possibility that something you are working on will take form next month, when Jupiter turns direct.

If you want to read more about this month’s moon cycles and other planetary happenings please check out last month’s newsletter (if you didn’t have access at the time you can click here) --I send these out one month in advance so that you have the opportunity to prepare for the following month.
Before I continue, I want to share new Classes/Courses I am starting this month!

1. I am launching at the end of this month/early June a 4-Week online Astrology Course for Parents to learn all about their Child's Natal Chart. We will review each child's natal chart, studying areas of the chart that point to, for example, how your child learns best and processes information, naturally relates to his or her environment and responds to situations, as well as areas of life where he or she can potentially get 'stuck,' and areas for growth/highest expression in this lifetime (and more!). We will also look at the Synastry Chart between Parent and Child to see the way the two of you naturally relate to one another (i.e., which areas of your child's chart are "lit up" by your chart placements and vice versa). There is so much you can learn from a Natal Chart and once you learn how to read one you have an amazing and valuable source of insight to guide you in parenting your child in the most supportive and growth-oriented way. I am going to limit this first class to 4 participants. Please email me to sign up (sign up link coming soon!)

2. Beginning on Monday May 22, I will be teaching a new weekly Open-level Vinyasa class at 12:30 pm at the Yoga Garden in White Plains. Please email me if interested (sign up page coming soon! You can also "drop in"/pay for a single class at the time of class.)
​​​​​​​Now onto to June: This past week in my yoga classes I talked about Kali, the Indian goddess of darkness. We pray to Kali when we need to stand up for ourselves or let go of fears, inhibitions and securities that hold us back. We ask Kali to hold our hand as we break free of chains that restrict us from being and expressing our authentic selves. The Full Moon on June 9th is in the Sign of Sagittarius and conjunct (next to) the Asteroid, Lilith. Lilith is described as a dark energy in the natal chart, the place where we may have repressed anger and fear. Interestingly, Sagittarius (the sign the Full Moon is in) is said to rule the liver, where, from an Ayurvedic and Holistic perspective, we store unresolved anger. In my mind, Lilith is similar to Kali’s fierce and shocking attributes. You don’t want to mess with these two. With the Full Moon and Lilith side by side there is a push to feel into our dark or repressed emotions so we can heal emotional wounds and free up our creative energy; when we store anger we can become tired and lethargic. I love a slower moving yet freeing practice during the Full Moon, lingering in poses, breathing space into the places we store tension, allowing body and intuition to guide you, rather than having a plan or a "peak pose" (working up to a peak pose is very masculine/cerebral and not necessarily the best type of practice to do during the Full Moon phase when body wants to restore and rest). This is a more "feminine" type of practice, which the Full Moon calls for. Look up Moon Salutations if you're not familiar with them; it's nice to change up Sun Salutations to Moon Salutations during this time. Sagittarius also rules the hips and thighs, so there is a possibility that these parts of the body will call for some TLC during this time, or you may simply feel like focusing on hip and thigh opening poses during this period.
On June 21st we celebrate the first official day of summer and the longest day of the year. :) On June 24th, the New Moon is in the sign of Cancer (the sign of long summer nights), bringing focus to the home and family, and what makes you feel cared for and comforted. Since the Moon and Sun join forces during the New Moon Phase, it is typically a great time for new beginnings, especially related to home and family. This could be as obvious as a move to a new home or beginning a Family Tree, or as subtle as beginning therapy or self-work (inner home) that entails feeling into emotions, especially those that stem from childhood. This New Moon is conjunct (next to) Mercury, who has moved into the sign of Cancer. This is a big shift for playful and quick-witted Mercury, who was previously very comfy in his own sign of Gemini. Mercury and Cancer don’t mesh as well as Mercury and Gemini because Mercury is mind-based and Cancer is feeling based; Mercury is lively and quick on his feet and Cancer is the crab: crabs shuffle and burrow into the sand and most move sideways. Finding a balance between quick and slow paces, thoughts and feelings, may come up during this period, and communication may be more intuitive and based on the past. There is also the possibility of a turning point connected to the sign of Virgo (health, routine, service) during this New Moon, since the Vertex (the point of the chart that some Astrologer believe symbolizes a turning point or wish fulfillment) is making a sweet angle to the Moon and Sun. The house where the Vertex falls in your own natal chart can you give more insight into the area of life that may be the focus for you. Lastly, I tend to enjoy a more rigorous yoga practice during this period (of course this depends on what else is going on for you). Cancer rules the stomach, the reproductive system, and fluid balance in the body. Although you may be moved to practice in a more energized way during the New Moon, you can still practice in a "watery"/creative way, enjoying fluid movements (one example is connecting balancing postures) and Creative Sun Salutations (i.e., adding in different postures of your choice to the regular sequence).
If you'd like to learn more about your Natal Chart please sign up for an Astrology Reading here! (please note: I offer phone, in person, or written Readings.) You can sign up on the same page for any other service, including Yoga Privates, Yoga Privates/Group Classes for Kids, and Ayurveda Counseling.