December 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Wed, 11/29/17

December Yoga-Moon Newsletter
Flying Leaps

The Full Moon in Gemini on Sunday, December 3rd brings energy to the realms of communication, self expression, and the thinking mind. This full moon coincides with Mercury retrograde (and the planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini), so something from the past connected to this sign/planet could come up for review, reconsideration, or completion (e.g., a writing or teaching/learning project). Being very regimented or strict about your schedule around this time will likely lead to frustration because the retrograde period is all about going with the flow; this is especially true now because Mercury is going retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is all about the bigger picture, the adventures of life, and having fun; Sagittarius people know how to party with the best of them. :) 

If your last two months have been anything like mine, you have been 'on the go' and hard at work on different projects. Sometimes it's hard to know where the burn-out point is and Mercury Retrograde is here to alert you of it. Beep beep beep. I was reminded of this today when I taught a Tween Yoga Class. They had been in school all day and had ants in the pants: they were jumping all around, tossing the styrofoam yoga blocks, and not listening very well. At first, I wanted to rein them in, to get them sitting quietly like "good yogis" so we could begin class. And then I realized that they just needed to move and dance and jump and laugh, and so that is what we did. We played yoga freeze dance and we danced all around the studio like lunatics--there were even some flying leaps involved--and when the music froze we paused in yoga poses. I saw big smiles on their faces and I knew I had done my job well, even though to an outsider it probably would have looked like chaos.

Sagittarius is opposite the sign of Gemini in the zodiac, so Sagittarius people have a Gemini underbelly, so to speak, and vice-versa. Each sign is connected to another sign at the opposite end of the chart that is considered its shadow side, but that's a topic for a blog post. In any case, Gemini is about the thinking mind and Sagittarius people like to throw a care to the wind (however, both signs are playful in their own way). With the full moon lighting up Gemini, and Mercury going retrograde in 'Sadge' at the same time, we are being asked to let go of the need to analyze and control and to just be: to feel and have fun and do some flying leaps (c'mon, try it in your living room or at work, as you're approaching the water cooler). 

The New Moon on Monday, December 18th is in Sagittarius, calling us to connect with the things that inspire us. What lights you up? What are your big goals? The new moon is a time for planting seeds. Since Mercury is still in retrograde phase until December 22nd (and in the post shadow period until Jan 10th), this new moon may be better utilized for inner work (meditation or anything in the spiritual realms is well aspected), and/or for gathering momentum for something you'd like to begin in the near future. Since Sagittarius is also about having a good time, this new moon period may simply be about letting loose, indulging in what I call "night guy" mode: Seinfeld does a funny skit about irresponsible, free-spirited night guy, who stays up late, putting a wrench in goal-oriented morning guy's plans. The key, of course, is to find a balance between these two archetypes but, that said, at certain times one or the other wants to lead the way and this may be the time for night guy to make his debut. This is not really about staying up late or indulging in desserts (although it can be if you want it to be, but I realize there is a fine line b/w fun and addiction); it's about exploring and experiencing life: little adventures, in whatever form they manifest, that take you out of your everyday routine ... like the flying leaps. 

There are a couple of aspects along side this new moon (one challenging, and one harmonious) that I talk about in my December Youtube videos. The harmonious angle involves our quirky friend, Uranus, so there is potential for a happy surprise around this time, and the challenging aspect involves Chiron, potentially triggering emotions surrounding self-doubt. If self-doubt comes up for you, the planets are asking you to go deep and explore it (yoga, breathing techniques, and journaling/free-writing are just a few tools out of many that you can use). 

By the end of the month, we will feel Capricorn/Saturn making its way in and the urge to get back to business and so, if at all possible, take advantage of this time to "do" less. Rather than spending your time dutifully fighting crowds at the mall, buying gifts people probably don't need (slippers, gloves, scarves, oh my!), take yourself to a show, go on a hike, or spend time with a friend (maybe of the furry variety). Consider socially conscious or handmade gifts, like a macaroni necklace (haha). Just say no to the craze of meaningless gift-buying. Besides, mercury retrograde shopping can be a nightmare. I digress. No offense to those who love this aspect of the holidays; if that's the case and it brings you joy, carry on. :) My friend made me a bah-hum-bug ornament one year so I will admit to not being the biggest fan of the holidays (hehe), however, I wish all of you a cozy and love-filled holiday season, and I thank you for being a subscriber to my newsletter. xo

I'm still teaching my KIDS YOGA AND BOOK CLASS SERIES until December 18th. Mondays at 4 pm in Chappaqua, NY at Scattered Books. You can sign up below or email me and let me know you're coming. 
A GIFT IDEA! A Beautiful Written Natal Chart Reading for Adults or Kids. Email me with any questions or click below for details.