January 2018 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Mon, 01/01/18

January Yoga-Moon Newsletter
Happy New Year!

A seed will bear no bloom without the perseverance of it's roots

This photo is of one of my childhood homes. My Aunt Joyce and cousin, Pauline, visited over the holidays. We see each other, usually, once a year, and despite the infrequency of our visits, we have a special bond: when I get together with them (my dad's side of the family), I feel that universal, yet difficult to pinpoint, sense of coming home. 

While my aunt and cousin were here in NY, they drove by my grandparents old house, where I spent the first six years of my life. I will always think of this house, on Rumbrook Road, as my 'home' because when I lived with my grandparents, I felt a deep and solid sense of family and belonging (this is Cancer's domain, which I'll get to shortly). My grandmother loved to cook (a Cancerian trait) and my grandfather had a big vegetable garden in the backyard. I picked the vegetables from the garden, with care and awe, and presented them to my YiaYia (grandmother) - I think I sometimes picked them before they were ripe, but my Yiayia always acted delighted by my veggie gifts whether or not they were ready for her kitchen.

My Aunt Joyce told me once that my grandparents, in a way, raised her; she was only 19 when she married my dad's brother. My cousin, Pauline, also lived in the house on Rumbrook Road as a child, some years before I did. In this way, she and I share the same 'home.' This house, for all three of us, is I think deeply intertwined with our sense of being at home in the world/our inner foundation.

This is all to say that the new year begins with a FULL MOON in CANCER (tonight!) on January 1st, 9:24 pm EST.  This full moon is also a Supermoon, which means that it's closer to the earth and appears larger and brighter, therefore emotions may be larger and brighter too. Cancer is a water sign, representing the feeling body and emotions, family, home, childhood memories and the past. Those with this sign prominent in their natal charts tend to honor and reflect on the past (they are also usually drawn to antiques -hehe).

During this 2-week FULL MOON PHASE, there is potential for something to close, complete and/or come to fruition related to the sign of Cancer; for example, on a tangible level, you may be moving to a new house or someone is moving out of or into your house or, on a subtle body level, you are completing inner work (e.g. therapy) that gives you more confidence and enables you to move on from one phase of your life and into another. 

Tension and strong emotions, around the themes of inner home and outer life/career/how we are seen in the world, are likely now. Emotions tend to dissipate when they are accepted and felt rather than pushed away and repressed, so be easy with yourself and allow emotions in, as best you can. There may be issues related to home versus career/social standing that need to be sorted out and dealt with; if so, take one step at a time (the Capricorn mountain goat, the opposite sign of the Cancerian Crab, takes one steady step at a time). 

The house in which the Cancer full moon lands in in your personal natal chart and/or solar chart gives more insight into how the energy of this full moon may be affecting you. Check out my Youtube channel (I will be posting January videos in the next couple of days!) or schedule a New Year Astrology Reading with me. :)

The NEW MOON in Capricorn emerges in the sky on January 16th at 9:17 pm EST. The new moon is typically an auspicious time to begin new projects and endeavors. January may feel like a serious month with so many signs moving into responsible and focused Capricorn; your attention will likely turn to "serious stuff" this month, such as business and practical matters.

Capricorn is about hard work and facing and overcoming obstacles, therefore if you are feeling "down" or world weary, dealing with annoying roadblocks, do your best to keep moving through. The mountain goat, as I noted above, takes one step at a time to reach the summit. 

Since Capricorn is also about goals/ambition, career and how you are seen in the world, there is potential to begin something new related to career or social standing at this time. 

In general, January is a good month to move forward with projects/goals/ambitions/etc. because there are no planetary retrogrades. The Mercury Shadow period will officially end on January 12th, and even before then opportunities may come up for you. From January 12th through about March 8th 2018, we are free from planetary retrograde, meaning there is a clear path for forward movement if you choose to accept your mission. If you feel inspired to take this road, the universe will help you to gain momentum and create whatever it is you want to create in the world at this time. 

Speaking of RETROGRADES, Uranus (the rebel planet and innovator) is going direct on January 2nd. This feisty guy has been in retrograde/slow motion since August 3rd, 2017. This has a more subtle effect since Uranus is an outer planet, however wherever Uranus sits currently in your transit chart may receive a spark of inspiration and freshness in the coming days, which can result in a renewed sense of freedom in an area of life that may have felt uncertain.

For everyone, freedom-loving Uranus is in Aries, the sign of the self and the physical body, so Uranian themes related to self may become more clear as the planet moves into direct mode (e.g., your relationship with freedom and independence, your sense of being special/unique, group and community activities that you are a part of). For my Aquarius friends, or anyone with Aquarius prominent in their personal chart, you will likely feel Uranus' shift more strongly since Uranus is your Ruling Planet. This is good new for you!  

My mom loved to use the phrase Once in a Blue Moon when I was 'growing up.' I pictured a big, blue-ish moon in the sky and understood the phrase to mean something that could never really happen, something that was from the fantasy realms.

Turns out Blue Moons do exist. When there are two full moons within one month, the second full moon is called a Blue Moon. This happens somewhat infrequently, maybe a few times a year, so it is special but certainly not impossible as I had thought. Leo, the sign that this supermoon/eclipse extravaganza blooms in, is about shining your inner light (this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine), and being recognized for your creative gifts. It's also about children and fun: creativity is born out of play. Manifesting creative dreams in the world can feel impossible but, just like the elusive yet 'real' Blue Moon, it does happen. You may first need to do the Capricorn hard work to get there.

This SECOND FULL MOON of the month, AKA the Blue Moon, lights up the sign of Leo on January 31st at 8:27 am EST.  It is also a Total Lunar Eclipse! Wowza. All Full Moons can bring emotions to the surface and endings/completions of something or one phase of something, and since this full moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse these things can happen in a BIG way. We can feel eclipses up to 6 weeks beforehand, so you may already be feeling the effects of it.

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo is a continuation of a series of Leo/Aquarius eclipses that began in 2017 and will go through 2019. This points to a dynamic of self vs. group/community, of sharing one's personal gifts (Leo) for the benefit of humanity/a larger cause (Aquarius). The Leo/Aquarius axis is about sharing your creative gifts from your heart, from a pure place, for a bigger picture cause. Whenever we create from a genuine place there is potential to reach people. 

Side note: it is probably in your interest to take it easy during this Full Moon/eclipse phrase because the energy can feel intense. Practice self-care - lots of sleep, eat well, exercise/practice yoga, etc. etc.

Wishing you a fulfilling year ahead! Thank you for reading my monthly newsletter! Please pass it along to anyone you think would like to receive it. 
If you're interested in my KIDS YOGA CLASS SERIES at Scattered Books in Chappaqua (or you would like to suggest a location closer to you) please EMAIL ME and I will keep you posted -- I am hoping to run it again in mid-January or early February.

If you're interested in a 4-6 Week INTRO. TO ASTROLOGY ONLINE COURSE (i.e., how to read natal charts and the building blocks of Astrology), please EMAIL ME.