February 2018 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Sat, 02/03/18

February Yoga-Moon Newsletter
Love Conquers All

On January 31st the Full Moon in Leo was also a Super Moon (closer to the earth) and a Total Lunar Eclipse. Did you see it? It was beautiful and inspiring.

Emotions are at high tide during a Full Moon, and some people experience anxiety (I, for one, had trouble sleeping for a few nights leading up to the full moon). Eclipses often bring in news and big changes - we can feel this up to 6 weeks before the exact date and even in the weeks after. For some, there may be opportunities to begin something new or make changes that feels aligned with your bigger picture life goals (something that allows you to use your creative gifts for the greater good). As always with the Full Moon cycle, and especially during an Eclipse, there is potential for one phase of life to close in order to begin a new phase. There is always a give and take; a letting in and a letting go. You can only receive when you stop doing. If you are in "doing" mode all of the time, not only are you not present for yourself and others, but you cannot receive (whether that is someone's words, a genuine compliment, love, self-care. etc..)This Full Moon in Leo is about receiving love - it can be from another person or it may be about your ability to care for yourself and to make decisions that support your body and mind.
 Speaking of love, On Saturday, February 10th Venus moves into Pisces. This is a dreamy and romantic blend of sign and planet. You may slide your rose-colored glasses over your eyes and enjoy a beautiful and high vision of others and your surroundings; it may, keep in mind, be based more in fantasy than reality, but lovely nonetheless. At its highest expression, Venus in Pisces is about unconditional love: love that has no form; the kind of love that is based in presence and connects you to the vast and mysterious universe and a feeling of oneness with all that is.

I am reading a Wrinkle in time by Madeline L'Engle for a class I'm teaching. It's been categorized as science fiction but at its core it is about facing fears/demons, uncovering your hidden gifts/what makes you unique and, ultimately, it's about love: love conquers all is a good theme for this book.

The upcoming Pisces-Venus combo wants you to tap into the purest state of love, however this combination can, on the lower end of its spectrum, create a victim mentality, so it's something to be aware of: is your love genuine or are you sacrificing some important part of yourself in the name of love?  
 Aquarius New Moon

The Aquarius New Moon on February 15th is also a Total Solar Eclipse. Eclipses, as I noted earlier, can bring in news and big changes. Something to keep in mind: if it's possible to avoid big decisions on the actual day and in the immediate days surrounding an Eclipse, then do so because they tend to bring in intense energy and you might not be making a decision from a grounded place. Aquarius is the sign of the big picture, innovative and futuristic endeavors, and things that are connected to the greater good of the world (when in balance); this New Moon has the potential to bring in change that enables you do your work (dharma) more effectively in the world. This is one piece of a an eclipse puzzle that began in early 2017 and will continue through 2019. Themes of me versus we can arise. What do you want and need; what makes you feel special and unique, and how can you use that desire to be seen to benefit others, to serve humanity and connect to the bigger picture? 

Mercury, the planet of communication, moved into Aquarius on Jan. 31st and will be there for the next two and a half weeks, so communication will be faster-paced, innovative, spark-y, and less emotional - more in the realms of the head and bigger picture themes. Aquarius energy makes way to the fuzzy, soft and vast domain of Pisces by end of month, connecting you back to your intuition and emotions, allowing you to move deeper into your heart and connect to feelings of compassion. This is also a highly creative energy. 

Toward the end of the month there is a harmonious sun/moon trine that can bring a sense of feeling at peace with yourself, and also a couple of "if-y" planetary connections that can trigger miscommunication (Neptune/Mercury combo.) and/or frustration/anger, especially related to relationships (Mars/Venus). You may now begin to feel the Virgo Full Moon approaching (it's on March. 1st), which puts the focus on the mind/body connection and has a lot of positive energy surrounding it.  

If you're interested in a 4 Week INTRO. TO ASTROLOGY ONLINE COURSE (i.e., how to read natal charts and the building blocks of Astrology), please EMAIL ME.