November 2017 Yoga-Moon Newsletter

Published: Fri, 11/03/17

Yoga-Moon Newsletter November 2017
November: Inner Strength
I've been working on so many different projects lately and in a somewhat frenzied way. A few days ago, as I was attempting to upload youtube videos and battling technology obstacles, I felt like my head was going to explode. Then I opened my email account and saw one of Eckhart Tolle's "Present Moment Daily Reminder" messages. "There is always simplicity about the present moment." 

The Taurus Full Moon is exact at 1:23 am (EST) on Saturday, November 4th. This lunar cycle is about connecting to the present moment through the sensory body. Taurus asks us to connect to nature, our roots, and to slow down and enjoy the simplicity of the moment: a wholesome meal, a walk in nature, a warm bath, snuggles with a furry friend, a book and a cup of tea. 

To learn where the Full Moon is in your personal chart, check out my youtube video forecasts for each sign (watch for both your sun and rising signs).

The Full Moon is a time for wrapping things up, bringing things to fullness or completion. Something could to light now or be ready for its debut. It can be an emotional time, when bottled up feelings (positive or negative) well up and need to be expressed. While the Full Moon lights up earth-y Taurus, the Sun is shining, on the opposite end of the sky, in deep and probing Scorpio. Scorpio energy has dominated the planetary scene lately, so you may be feeling your emotions with more depth now. The Sun in Scorpio is about deep relating, getting to the bottom of the things and the esoteric realms of life, while the Moon in Taurus invites us into the tangible world, where we build and create things and connect to the world through the senses. If emotions have been dark or of the dwelling nature lately, this Taurus Full Moon is an opportunity to connect to the simplicity of what is happening in each moment: the feel of your feet on the ground, the scent of the sky, the sound of the leaves. Nourish yourself. Come back to now. 

On the same day as the Full Moon there is an opposition (a challenging angle) between Venus (relationships) and Uranus (freedom). Although Taurus is a stable and peaceful energy, the Venus/Uranus opposition could point to some tension in relationships (Venus), in the form of the desire for more freedom (Uranus); if you do feel this tug between "me versus we" try not to make impulsive decisions. The Taurus Full Moon is about stability and security so you will likely also have a need to feel secure and safe now. If there are issues that need to be dealt with pertaining to the balance of self vs. other and security versus freedom, use the Taurus energy to stay present and grounded as you sort through them. There is also a Sun-Neptune Trine on the same day; when the Sun and Neptune join forces there may be a feeling of a beautiful dream coming true or the desire to escape to a fantasy land. This is a very creative energy, so if you're an artist or writer, for example, you may feel inspired. The last Sun-Neptune trine was on July 5th, so think back to that time to see if there is a theme being threaded through and what it might be telling you.
The New Moon is in Scorpio on  Saturday, November 18th (6:42 EST). You may feel inspired to begin new things related to the sign of Scorpio, for example clearing out clutter (physical mental and emotional), connecting deeply with others (Scorpios are typically not fond of small talk), merging resources in a relationship or business partnership, delve into esoteric subjects like Astrology and Psychology. This New Moon is Trine Chiron, the asteroid called the "wounded healer" who represents our vulnerable spots and our hidden strengths. This Scorpio and Chiron combination may be about cleaning our wounds. Has salt been added to your wounds lately? If so, let the salt do it's work and clean them out so that you can be free of the burden of old wounds that you don't need to carry. Chiron wants you to turn your wounds into strengths so that you can use them for your benefit and the benefit of others. Scorpio wants transformation. This is a powerful New Moon. 

Something to keep in mind, if you're beginning something new during the New Moon period, is that the infamous Mercury Retrograde is approaching in December. This means that the Shadow Period (when Mercury begins to shift to a slower gear) is beginning on November 14th. You may feel a shift in energy around this time and as the month of progresses. If you are beginning something new, and things feel wonky (in terms of communication, electronics, information you're trying to sort through) then that is a clear sign that it's best to hold off on starting something new and, instead, gather information/review/reassess/edit/fine-tune until after the Mercury Retrograde period (in January). If it feels, on the other hand, that you are ready to start something and all signs are "a go" then, I say, go for it - go with your intuition (and if you're not sure, sit with it and wait to make a decision until you feel clear). I talk more about this in my Youtube video about the general November Transits.
Are you interested in my KIDS YOGA AND BOOK CLASS SERIES? It begins on Monday, November 13th at 4 pm in Chappaqua, NY. Sign up below! (You can sign up for one class or the entire 6-week Series). 
A CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA! A Beautiful Written Natal Chart Reading for Adults or Kids. Email me with any questions or click below for details.
Are you interested in a Monthly Astrology Subscription? What it entails: A monthly write-up of significant transits based on your natal chart (I would need your birth day/time/place) for $15/month. Email me if interested/you have questions.